Final Comments

As a whole, I think my writing is improving everyday. I already felt that I was a good writer and had good skills in the area of writing. I am an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing. Therefore, the writing aspect in this course is very enjoyable to me. However, Creative Writing is not stressed heavenly in this class so I have to understand how to switch gears and get more into informational writing and explaining things. I feel that the writing is more concrete and direct, whereas what I'm use to, I like to paint a beautiful picture of imagery and open my eyes up to a new fascinating fictional world. I am very happy that I enrolled in this class because I am able to learn about myself as a writer. I feel that this class helps discipline me and I have more control over my writing. I have also learned a great deal from being in this class. From Dewey to Tate to Strickland. All of their philosophies have been eye opening and gives me a different outlook on education. I really enjoyed comparing and contrasting everything that was talked about in their readings. This class is very helpful and informing and I can't wait to see what's in store for the rest of the semester.

At the end of the semester I can only look back and have positive comments to say. I really loved this class, it was so awesome. Even in the beginning of class I didn't understand why we had to know everyone's name in the class, but as time went on I realized how important it really was to the class. I enjoyed meeting new people and listing to their theories on things. It was refreshing to know that we all were strong minded individuals who wanted to make a difference.