Today was the first class, but I wasn't there because I added the class late. However, I feel that this class will be very beneficial to my writing skills and help me grow as a writer. I want to be able to leave this class with a new outlook on what type of writer I am and how much I am willing to get better at this craft.
January 21 2014,
10:18 AM
Today was my first class and I can safely say that it was
really fun. It wasn't awkward like some classes on the first day. This class
seems really chill and interesting. I'm happy that I decided to add this class.
I feel that I can learn a lot from my classmates because we all are pretty much
similar in our writing areas. I know this is a writing class and today that's
mainly what we did..... And I loved it!!!!
February 6 2014, 10:00 AM
I really enjoyed this assignment because I was able to hear
about other people’s experiences and what they went through in school. It's
funny how our stories compare and contrast. Some people had positive
experiences and some negative. For me writing this task was like going into a
time capsule. I had to put myself back in my 3rd, 6th, and high school classes
to see how my schooling affected me as a person. I am proud to say that through
it all I still have a passion for learning and being the best student I can be.
February 13 2014, 10:23 AM
I enjoyed the freedom of the online class today, however my
computer wouldn't let me get to the podcast so I hope I didn't miss anything
important. I also saw in the chat that you guys were talking about plays and
such. I actually have to go see the play Stick Fly for class. I hope it’s good. But back to class, I think the online class was a good
experiment and hopefully with a little tweak it can be even better in the
February 27 2014, 10:18
I enjoyed working in the small groups, it was really cool. I
would say that I'm beginning to learn my group members and how they feel about
certain topics. Also we kind of went off on a tangent about our favorite shows
and what we like to watch on TV. I really don't think it had any connection to
Strickland but it was still nice to have a little morning chat with my group
members. However, listening to some of my group members about their past
educational experiences, it was very interesting how you could come from
different backgrounds but still end up in the same place for the same purpose.
I also liked what Dana said about how at first we really were opened to
progressive education and how we thought it was such a wonderful thing, but now
that we are starting to see more examples of it we are kind of shifting back to
the more traditional schooling because that's what we're used to.
March 20 2014, 10:16 AM
Today's online session went well. I think the change of
groups was fine because we constantly get to see other classmates views on
certain topics and they also talk about their past experiences in certain
subjects. I think it's a great way to actually get to know different people
within the class.
April 3 2014, 10:26 AM
I really liked reading people's fear essays, it's so
interesting how some of us are faced with the same problems. I think it's
important for us to acknowledge our fears so that we can face them head on or
make sure that we never go down the path that we don't want to be on. I really
enjoyed this assignment. It was almost like a mini venting session.