Composition Studies and Teaching

           So far in the course we have talked about three important members of the education community. From what I know now there are many different approaches to an “effective” learning environment. However, in Dewey’s reading, Experience and Education Dewey talks about traditional verses progressive learning. I actually wasn’t aware of the progressive learning strategies because I was use to the traditional environment. After reading Dewey’s philosophies my eyes were open to a whole new way of teaching. Progressive education seems to be more of how the students feel and their opinion on things in comparison to just sitting down and listening to a teacher talk to you for an hour and thirty minutes about subjects that don’t interest you. Dewey also talked about the role of the teacher and how it has such a great influence on the students. Plus, the way the teacher teaches is important because they have the power to push the interest in the students. Not only do teachers help make the connection with the material but also the students’ actual experiences help make a difference in their learning. Dewey introduces the idea of experiences outside of the classroom to help make a connection to the student’s schoolwork. Everything that Dewey discuss makes me wonder how different my education career would have been if I grew up in a progressive learning environment. 

           Next, we viewed the readings of Tate in Halfway Home. I really enjoyed reading his writing because he showed a change. He admitted to his problems and being a bad teacher and made a change for the better. In his writing, Tate discusses how he did not grow up in the nicest house and he says that his family struggled financially. He tells a story about his father working as a janitor for one of the frat houses on campus, and asked Tate for money to buy his mom a nice coat. Tate did not hesitate and he gave his father the money. However, Tate never saw that money again, but he did not care because he knew his father was a hard worker and he too wanted to see his mother happy. However, Tate’s attitude about his family and where he came from began to change over the years. He started to shun his family because he was embarrassed of them. I think this was a huge part of what made Tate who he was. Once he graduated from college, he began to teach, and he admits that he was not the best teacher. He let his personal problems get in the way of his main duty. Tate realizes that by him acting this way he’s not only hurting himself but his students as well. In the end, Tate does find an effective way to get across to his students so that they can get the most of their learning experience. 

                Finally, we read Strickland in Confrontational Pedagogy. Strickland would agree more along the lines of Dewey and progressive education. Strickland stressed the opinions of his students and he valued what they had to say. I thought it was very interesting how much freedom he gave his students. He was not big on giving physical grades; instead he made his students write papers on what they have learned. I feel like this could have been a good correlation of what the students were learning but it could also be negative. Strickland says that he would want the students to challenge there grade if they know they deserved better. He gave them an option to write an argument paper about it and describe why they should have gotten a higher grade. While this could be good, it could also be nerve wrecking. Students probably would come from left and right wanting to change their grade and that would be more work for the teacher, but if you’re like Strickland and enjoy reading a bunch of papers. I say go for it. 

             After reading all these philosophies I feel that learning effectively is the key. I now have a different outlook on education and I think we should try to look more into progressive teaching however I don’t think we should forget all about the traditional. I learned that writing and understanding a topic is very important for learning. I think that writing should be a main factor when it’s time to assess students because if a student can write extensively on a topic then you know they have mastered the material and that’s the overall goal, to MASTER the material.